8 concrete exemples of Content Marketing for SOHO and SMEs

Content marketing or brand content doesn’t concern in giving quality content to attract prospects relationship management to convert them into being clients.

Its aim is also to gain the loyalty of the actual clientele and strengthen their company.

We can mistake oursleves about the fact that content marketing doesn’t concern big and influent companies, it’s also a consequent asset for SOHO and SMEs. Even on a smaller scale, content marketing gives interesting results : internet traffic’s and leads improvement, such as the position on search engines,the creation of a confident relationship… Which is the perfect way to make the difference.

You own or you are in a SOHO and SMEs ? Here are 8 concrete exemples of content marketing that we use in our web agency Buddyweb to get in from now on !

Blog’s article

Where : On the blog or on your website (if possible) or on platforms like Tumblr for instance.

What to do : very vast ; talk about your business sector, news, advices..etc

Case study

Where : On your website/blog or on platforms such as Behance

What to do : You work on projects ? Explain the different steps of a real project, detail your way of working and show the final result.

Tutorials / exercices

Where : YouTube, website, blog, etc.

What to do : Your clients have to obtain some particular competences ? Teach them how to do so ! Nothing better than an explicative video to form them and to show that the expert is actually you.

Guests posts

Where : on influent blogs belonging to your business sector

What to do : Contact bloggers to write some articles on their blog in exchange of a brief presentation of yourself (or your company) and a link of return. Then write a nice article as if it was your blog.

Pitch/ Physical conference

Where : Where you can

What to do : Do a presentation of yourself about an attractive subject. Film yourself and post the video on YouTube and your PowerPoint on Slideshare.

Where : On your website, on Flickr, on Instagram, Facebook, etc.

What to do : If you have something visual to present, do it through an photo album and share it.

Create a guide or a list

Where : on your blog, social networks,etc.

What to do : Your valuation can make you list elements of your business sector : products, persons receiving benefits, softwares, techniques,etc. If you have the time, do an online guide or a guide that you can download.

Career portfolio / Realisations

Where : On your website, and on specialised platforms such as Fubiz or Dribble

What to do : If you are in a creative field,you can expose your realisations and comment them to become famous.

How to find the good set of themes ?

Of what subject are you going to talk ? The content you’ll create has to be interesting and useful to your prospects/clients. Even in a sector which is not very known at first sight, we can always find subjects. Ask yourself what interests your clients.

A football shop could make a list for instance of football fields that can be rent locally or announce some events that concerns sports in general. We can also add that the Vélib blog ( bicycles in self-service in Paris) which, instead of talking about the mechanics of their bicycles, present insolite places in Paris that you can visit by Vélib.

Far from publicity, this content has to offer a real added-value and information from a neutral and objective point of view. Be careful with your writing and choose pleasant visual contents, you may will aboard readers in their free time.

One last thing : once the content is online, embody it by putting it online on social networks !